Every one of our sites across the UK is part of a local community.
As a major employer in those areas, we make sure that we take our responsibilities seriously, working to enrich and contribute positively to local day-to-day life.

Schools & Colleges.
- We work with numerous local schools and colleges to improve and support education around both food and farming – including involvement in schemes such as IGD Feeding Britain’s Future
- The ABP Angus Youth Challenge in Northern Ireland teaches children about the complexities of rearing cattle commercially. The idea is that we play our part in attracting young people to our industry
- We have a strategic relationship with Harper Adams University to share knowledge and best practice – including a sponsored Professorship within the University

- ABP supports a number of farming groups to help nurture relationships with the 13,000 farmers in our supply base throughout the UK
- The groups include young farmer’s clubs, summer BBQs and facility open days
- We also actively sponsor some major agricultural industry awards